Coffee Chats with Secretariat

William Ye / NAMUN

William Ye / NAMUN

Coffee sessions bring Secretariat, staff together in informal setting

By: Deepa Nagari

In an effort to get more interaction between staff and Secretariat, NAMUN has introduced a series of coffee chat sessions where staff will have the opportunity to meet and talk with one another.

During the one hour coffee session, staff and secretariat members have the chance to talk in a more relaxed and informal environment. Staff members have the chance to ask the secretariat members (and each other) questions about school, classes, and the conference itself.

“Everyone gets an opportunity to talk to people from other committees, and to learn what other committees are doing, their status, and to talk to each other at a personal level, “said Peter Tross, Director of Staff Engagement for NAMUN 2014.

“The idea is that the conference will go better if people know each other, make friends, and then have a chance to be working with friends, ” Tross said.

Because of the intensive and fast-paced nature of the four days, staff members really get a chance to work closely with each other,” said Sammy Lau, Secretary General of NAMUN 2014. “In the previous years, by the end of the whole conference, staff members and Secretariat became really close,” he said.

In a campus as large as the U of T, we're bringing together a unique group of students who might not have otherwise had the opportunity to meet and work together,” said Lau. Making NAMUN  am inclusive community will not only go a long way to creating those friendships, but ensuring that the conference runs smoothly as well, he said.

“These opportunities are more for the staff to feel like they know that the Secretariat are really approachable and friendly,” said Lau. “It was a great event to run. Hopefully we can run them earlier next year, but it has been a success so far,” he said. 


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